Recurrent Diverticulitis and When to perform Surgery For Diverticulitis
Home / Areas Of Specialty / Recurrent Diverticulitis and When to perform Surgery For Diverticulitis
Usually, patients are referred for the surgical resection of colon after diverticulitis. Here are some highlights when the surgery may be needed.
Our knowledge for diverticulitis is an evolving and many behavior and environmental factors can influence the development of diverticular disease.
-The decision to perform elective surgery after several episodes of diverticulitis should be individualized and needs a discussion with your colorectal surgeon.
-Prophylactic sigmoid colectomy is performed to prevent recurrent diverticulitis or its complications.
-Tobacco cessation, weight loss & exercise and reduced meat intake are advised to reduce the risk of diverticulitis.
– Diverticulitis with abscess formation usually need antibiotic treatment and sometimes drainage in the hospital. Surgical intervention may be required sometimes in the same hospital admission.
– Elective Surgery is performed usually after the successful medical management for diverticulitis with abscess.
-Elective Colon resection can be considered for patients of diverticulitis with complications like fistulas, stricture or narrowing of colon or obstruction of colon.
-Elective colon resection should not be just based on the young age and rather it should be individualized.
– Surgery is preferred with minimally invasive method using laparoscopic or Robotic technique. But it may not be always feasible and discuss this option with your colorectal surgeon.
There are different types of surgical options and all these need a discussion with your colorectal surgeon. In majority of the cases elective surgery can be performed safely with minimally invasive approach and a colostomy can be avoided, but its again based on each individual.
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