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Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery And Transanal Open Surgery

Transanal Minimally Invasive Surgery  is a specialized minimally invasive approach for removing benign polyps and early stage cancerous tumors within the rectum and lower sigmoid colon.

During this procedure we use the anal opening to remove the polyp. However, there are different techniques and instruments that can be used to perform this procedure. Basically, use of minimally invasive or open technique depends on the location of the polyp. If the polyp or the cancer is low in the rectum or in the anal area then your colorectal surgeon can remove it with an open approach similar to a hemorrhoid surgery. If the lesion of the polyp is high than a minimally invasive technique with the special instrumentation is required. Transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM) and transanal minimally invasive surgery (TAMIS). The surgeon usually uses standard laparoscopic instruments to remove a polyp or superficial lesion through the anus, without making an incision. 

What Are The Benefits

Research has shown TAMIS to offer many advantages over more major traditional surgical techniques. These include:

  • decreased post-operative pain
  • fewer complications
  • faster recovery times
  • shorter hospital stay.

Another key point, Colorectal surgeons and major societies recommend this technique with curative intent for patients with pre-cancerous polyps; T1 rectal cancers; or small T2 rectal cancers usually when in the setting of clinical trials. Finally, It may not be suitable for patients at a more advanced stage, as the technique does not allow for surrounding lymph nodes in the adjacent fatty tissue called the mesorectum to be adequately assessed and treated for the spread of cancer.

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