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Sphincter-Sparing Surgery In Patients With Low-Lying Rectal Cancer
We perform sphincter-sparing colorectal surgery using traditional open surgery or minimally invasive techniques using Robotic technology. These techniques allow us to remove diseased tissue in the rectum while protecting the rings of muscles that help control bowel movements (Anal sphincters). It is a very common question
Can anal sphincter can be preserved and a colostomy can be avoided especially in the low rectal cancers.
Low rectal cancers are treated with a different modality than the colon cancers or high-rectal cancers. Most of them if they are locally advanced may need a chemotherapy and radiation treatment before surgery. Subsequently the surgery can be performed with different techniques to preserve the sphincter muscle and the colon can be connected down to the anus with that coloanal anastomosis. There are different patient related and tumor related factors that can guide if this type of surgery is possible. Your surgeon will discuss the details and the possibility of this type of surgery with you and also possibility of success and failures rates.
What is a colon and Rectal Surgeon? Is Dr Singh a Board-certified Colorectal surgeon? and where does he perform his procedures.
Colon and rectal surgeons are experts in the surgical and non-surgical treatment of diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus. They have completed advanced surgical training in the treatment of these diseases, as well as full general surgical training. They are well versed in the treatment of both benign and malignant diseases of the colon, rectum, and anus and are able to perform routine screening examinations and surgically treat conditions as and if needed. Dr Singh is a double board certified in Colon and Rectal Surgery and General surgery. His practice is located in Phoenix, Glendale and Scottsdale, AZ.
For more information on minimally invasive procedures please visit:
Minimally Invasive Surgery Expanded Version | ASCRS (
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